Change is inevitable - so how do you adapt?
A new product idea. A new piece of legislation. A new competitor in the market place. A new system in the workplace.
​These are all examples of change and understanding the impact of these changes allow us to better adapt and navigate through uncertainty. And sometimes you may have a lot of change initiatives you need to prioritise - but how do go about it?

The IMPACT Schema - a customer-focused impact assessment tool

The IMPACT Schema is a tool that allows you to assess the impact of the change on key areas that matter to you and your organisation.
It is also designed to encourage collaboration between teams (we found having it printed on a large poster, placing it on a wall and have people provide input via Post-It Notes in a workshop environment works well!).
IMPACT stands for the following:

The IMPACT Schema and the IMPACT Schema guide are available under the Creative Commons licence, so it is free for you to use (as long as you attribute it back to us here at CXD Labs and re-share it under the same Creative Commons license). Show us the love and we'll share more tools like these in the future!
To learn more about Creative Commons or the licence we've used, click this link: