The Uber Customer Journey
Uber has gained a global following by releasing a mobile application that has disrupted the taxi industry. Alongside other comparable companies such as airbnb and Zappos, these companies tackle problems with the customer experience at its core.
So we thought what better way to demonstrate what we can produce by presenting to you the journey of a typical Uber customer, using our own framework.
Before we start, here are a few points to note:
We modelled this Customer Journey based on our own experience - this has not been endorsed by Uber.
This visual represents only how a Customer would use Uber. There's another journey for the Uber Driver and it is interesting to see how the Customer and Driver journey interacts, however we're only publishing the Customer's view.
The Experience Analysis is based on my own experience and it's not an aggregated view of a collection of experiences.
So, here it is: below is our version of the journey of a typical Uber customer (to download a PDF version, click here).

Here's a brief explanation of the customer journey map:
A "Moment of truth" follows each stage of the Customer Journey. This can happen at any time during the stage as a Customer is validating whether or not your product / service is meeting their success criteria (in each Customer Objective). The path they take can either go to the next stage of the journey (and sometimes skip stages), or retreat to a previous stage in the path (or exit all together).
The Customer Objectives is designed in a way that it allows for the Success Criteria to become your set of Acceptance Criteria if you're developing User Stories (as part of an Agile build). We have also demonstrated how you could use techniques such as MosCoW to prioritise the success criteria.
The Touch Point Analysis looks at the channels and how they meet the success criteria. This will give you a way to track if you're meeting the "Must Have" in each success criteria for that stage in the journey, which is important if you're a Product Owner or Channel Owner.
The Experience Analysis is drawn upon feedback from Customers on their experience at each stage of the journey. We have tools to extract data from different sources and present it in this map, as a way to continuously monitor and track the customer experience throughout their journey. In this Uber example, this is based on my own experience using Uber's product and services.
We hope our example can help you with the next stage of your Customer Journey mapping exercise. If you have any feedback, queries regarding the customer journey template and tools, or would like to engage us, click here to contact us.